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来源:http://www.jngongrun.com/ 日期:2022-11-21 发布人:


The main characteristics of the lead screw and the linear motor are compared as follows:
1. Speed
在速度方面直线电机具有相当大的优势。直线电机的速度为300m/min;加速度为10g。滚珠丝杠的速度为120 m/min;加速度为1.5g。从速度和加速度的对比上直线电机具有相当大的优势,而且直线电机在成功解决发热问题后速度还会进一步提高,而“旋转伺服电机+滚珠丝杠”在速度上却受到了较多限制很难再有所提高。从动态响应来讲直线电机因运动惯量和间隙以及机构复杂性等问题而占有优势。
Linear motor has considerable advantages in speed. The speed of linear motor is 300m/min; The acceleration is 10g. The speed of ball screw is 120 m/min; The acceleration is 1.5g. From the comparison of speed and acceleration, linear motor has considerable advantages, and the speed of linear motor will be further improved after successfully solving the heating problem, while the speed of "rotary servo motor+ball screw" is subject to more restrictions and is difficult to improve. In terms of the dynamic response, linear motor has advantages because of the inertia, clearance and complexity of the mechanism.
In terms of speed control, the linear motor has faster response, wider speed range, up to 1:10000, can reach high speed at the moment of starting, and can quickly stop at high speed.
2. Precision
In terms of accuracy, the linear motor reduces the problem of interpolation lag due to its simple transmission mechanism. The positioning accuracy, reproduction accuracy and accuracy are all higher than "rotary servo motor+ball screw" through position detection feedback control, and are easy to achieve.
The positioning accuracy of linear motor can reach 0.1 μ m。 The accuracy of "rotary servo motor+ball screw" is 2-5 μ m。
3. Energy consumption
"Rotary servo motor+ball screw" belongs to energy-saving and force increasing transmission parts. When providing the same torque, the energy consumption of the linear motor is more than twice that of the "rotary servo motor+ball screw". Moreover, the reliability of the linear motor is affected by the stability of the control system and has a great impact on the surrounding environment. Therefore, magnetic isolation and protection measures must be taken to isolate the impact of magnetic field on the rolling guide and the absorption of magnetic dust from milling chips.
4. Noise
The linear motor has low noise, because the linear motor does not have the constraint of centrifugal force, and there is no mechanical contact when moving, so there is no friction and noise. The transmission parts are not worn, which can greatly reduce the mechanical loss and avoid the noise caused by towing cables, steel cables, gears and pulleys, so as to improve the overall efficiency;
After the ball screw has been used for a long time, the surface of the ball has peeled off, or the ball screw shaft on the cutting force surface has a problem, which indirectly affects the running track of the ball, causing the friction between the nut and the shaft to cause vibration, resulting in excessive noise;
5. Travel
Linear motor can achieve unlimited travel theoretically;
滚珠丝杆的螺母运转到有效行程之后,依然是可以进行适当的旋转 ,但是正常情况下,是不能旋转过度的,不然就会伤害到滚珠丝杆,导致滚珠颗粒和螺母的大量脱落,因而,一般是不建议运转的时候过量前进的。
After the nut of the ball screw runs to the effective stroke, it can still rotate properly, but under normal circumstances, it cannot rotate excessively, otherwise it will damage the ball screw, causing a large number of ball particles and nuts to fall off. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to move forward excessively when running.
The above is a detailed introduction to the guide screw, and we hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with our attitude http://www.jngongrun.com
