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来源:http://www.jngongrun.com/ 日期:2019-05-21 发布人:

  1 线性滑轨名词介绍-主要影响参数

  1 Introduction to Linear Slide Nouns - Main Influencing Parametersa、线性滑轨之负荷与寿命 (L)
  A. Load and Life of Linear Slide (L)
  When choosing the type of linear sliding track, according to the working conditions of the mechanism and the external forces, the loads caused by the external forces on each sliding seat in the mechanism can be calculated by engineering calculation. The basic static rated load (C0) or the basic allowable static moment (Mx, My, Mz) recorded in the type record can be compared to calculate the equivalent loads of the sliding seat, and the static safety factor can be obtained to judge the pair of mechanisms. Resistance to external forces. For evaluating the long-term wear life of linear slides, the basic dynamic rated load (C) is used to calculate the total travel distance of metal fatigue surface damage of linear slides caused by long-term reciprocating load.
  b、基本额定静负荷 (C0)
  B. Basic rated static load (C0)
  When the linear sliding track system is subjected to excessive load or impact in static or low-speed operation, the track grooves and beads will be permanently deformed. Assuming that the deformation reaches a certain degree, the linear sliding track will not run smoothly. The basic rated static load (C0) is the static load when the total permanent deformation of the track groove and the steel ball reaches one-thousandth of the diameter of the steel ball.
  c、基本容许静力矩 (Mx,My,Mz)当线性滑轨系统受到负载或冲击而产生力矩时,使线性滑轨发生轨道沟槽及钢珠的变形,当变形量达到钢珠直径的万分之一时。我们称这种作用力矩为滑座的基本容许静力矩。而 Mx、My、Mz为在线轨X、Y、Z 三个轴向的值。
  C. The basic allowable static moment (Mx, My, Mz) causes permanent deformation of track grooves and steel balls when the linear sliding track system is subjected to load or impact. When the permanent deformation reaches one thousandth of the diameter of steel balls. We call this action moment the basic allowable static moment of slide seat. The values of Mx, My and Mz are three axes of X, Y and Z.
  d、静系数 (fs)为基本额定静负荷 C0与线性滑轨系统较大等效负载之比率值。此数值可以反映线性滑轨使用的可靠程度。
  D. The static safety factor (fs) is the ratio of the basic rated static load C0 to the maximum equivalent load of the linear slideway system. This numerical value can reflect the reliability of linear slides.
  以下为静系数的参考值 :
  The following are the reference values of the static safety factor:
  e、额定寿命的意义 (L)
  E. Meaning of rated life (L)
  Linear slides are products of mass production. Even if the process and material are the same, the slides operating under the same conditions do not necessarily have the same operation life. The definition of rated life is that 90% of the linear slides running continuously under the same conditions will not produce surface fatigue spalling damage, and the total distance that the linear slides can travel.
  f、基本额定动负荷 (C)
  F. Basic rated dynamic load (C)
  基本额定动负荷用于定义线性滑轨抵抗金属表面疲劳破坏的负载能力,定义的方式为使用同一批相同规格与同样使用条件的线性滑轨,假设将测试额定寿命定为 50KM,这一批线性滑轨在实验负荷下运行 50KM而能有90%以上不产生金属表面疲劳剥落破坏的现象时,则此实验负载即为此线性滑轨在额定寿命 50km之基本动额定负荷。
  The basic rated dynamic load is used to define the load capacity of linear slides against metal surface fatigue damage. It is defined by using the same batch of linear slides with the same specifications and the same operating conditions. Assuming that the rated test life is set at 50KM, this batch of linear slides can run at 50KM under the experimental load and can not produce the phenomenon of metal surface fatigue spalling damage for more than 90%. The test load is the basic dynamic rated load of the linear slideway at the rated life of 50 km.
  1-2 线性滑轨名词介绍 附属影响参数
  1-2 Linear Slide Nouns Introducing Affiliated Influencing Parametersg、接触系数 (fc)
  G, contact coefficient (fc)
  当滑座靠紧着使用时,受力矩或安装面的精度之影响,通常很难得到均匀的负荷分布。 因此使用2个或2个以上滑块,靠紧使用时,基本额定动负荷(C)与基本额定静负荷 (C0)必须乘上接触系数。
  When the sliding seat is used close to each other, it is usually difficult to obtain uniform load distribution due to the influence of the moment of force or the accuracy of the mounting surface. Therefore, when two or more sliders are used closely, the contact coefficient must be multiplied by the basic rated dynamic load (C) and the basic rated static load (C0).
  f、硬度系数 (fh)
  F, hardness coefficient (fh)
  为了充分发挥线性滑轨的负荷能力,滚动面的硬度范围较好在 HRC 58~62。若滚动面的硬度比 HRC 58硬度低时, 基本额定动负荷与基本额定静负荷就必须考虑硬度系数(fh)。
  In order to give full play to the load capacity of linear slides, the hardness range of rolling surface is best in HRC 58 ~ 62. If the hardness of rolling surface is lower than that of HRC 58, the hardness coefficient (fh) must be taken into account for the basic rated dynamic load and the basic rated static load.
  Temperature coefficient of linear slideway:
  如果直线导轨或线性滑轨的使用温度超过100℃时,考虑高温的不良影响,在计算时必须考虑温度系数。(注)环境温度超过 80℃时, 有必要将密封垫片,端面档板,保持器等的材质变成耐高温材料。
  If the service temperature of linear guideway or linear slideway exceeds 100 C, the adverse effect of high temperature must be considered, and the temperature coefficient must be taken into account in calculation. (Note) When the ambient temperature exceeds 80 C, it is necessary to change the materials of sealing gaskets, end baffles and retainers into high temperature resistant materials.
  j、负荷系数 (fw)
  J. Load coefficient (fw)
  Generally, the reciprocating motion of machinery is accompanied by vibration or shock in operation, especially the vibration caused by high-speed operation or the shock caused by repeated starting and stopping, etc. It is very difficult to calculate all of them. Therefore, when the effect of velocity vibration is very large, the following load coefficients obtained from experience can be used to divide the basic rated dynamic load (C).
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